Gentofte Volleys styrkeøvelser er en række øvelser, der gennem grundig udførsel kan medvirke til at bringe volleyballspillere tættere på topniveau. Øvelserne benyttes vidt og bredt i klubben som grundbasisøvelser for U14-hold såvel som Ligahold.
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Boat Hold
Borsov Jumps
Banded Pancake Stretch SS Pancake Stretch
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Banded Face Pulls SS Banded Pull Apart
Borglund Plank
ATG Split Squat SS Front Splits Stretch
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Back Extensions
Bodyweight Pullover
Band Pull Apart
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Bottom Squat Bounce
Cossack Squat SS Pancake Stretch
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Box Jumps
Ido's Squat Routine
Pogo Jumps
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Side Plank
Skater Jumps
Dynamic Butterfly SS Buttersly
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Bulgarian Split Squat
Monster Walk
Broad Jumps
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Pull Ups with Slow Eccentric
Dead Bug
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Cossack Squat
Pallof Press
Jefferson Curl SS Pike Stretch
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Pistol Squat
Plyometric Push Ups
Step Ups
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Thread the Needle
Wood Choppers
Sidesteps 3m
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Hanging Leg Raises
Calf Raise SS Tibialis Raise
SL Banded RDL
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Reverse Nordics SS Couch Stretch
Franz Klammers
Chin Ups
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Handstand Push Ups / Pike Push Ups
Glute Bridge Isometric
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